ANDREA MELLO is a researcher at the IACHR (Nucleus of Atlantic Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon). She is a PhD candidate at PUC-Rio, at the Political Philosophy and Ethics Dept. and a Master Graduated by the Instituto de Filosofia Ciências Sociais (IFCS / UFRJ), where she was co-founder and director of role play group, at the OUSIA Laboratory.
She worked as a teacher at the Support Foundation for the State Professional School (FAETEC) and developed projects that aligned philosophy and the arts in favor of a critical and holistic curriculum. She published the book “A Ocupação Veraz do Cínico ”, NEA, publishing house. She recently, participated in the translation of the book “Archeofeminism – Women philosophers and feminist philosophers: 17th-18th centuries ”, launched by n-1 editions / SP.
JOANA BUENO is a visual artist, researcher, Master in Visual Arts (Porto University), post-graduated in Education (Puc-rio) and graduated in Arts and Clothing (Unirio and Senai Cetiqt). She is a multimedia artist working with video, performance, installation and painting. She held collective and individual exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, on which the body served as a communicating device of social issues that affects us. She acted as artistic director for carnival mardi gras preparations of samba schools, in Rio de Janeiro. As an Art Director and Costume Designer she worked in television, theater and cinema. She has experience in research, creation, and coordination of visual arts courses and workshops.